How To Make Your Business More Energy Efficient This Summer

 In Building maintenance in Ontario, Commercial cleaning in Ontario, Office cleaning company in Ontario

For many business owners, energy efficiency and low utility bills are an important part of running their business. While there are certain essentials every business owner has to foot the bill for, here are a few key ways to reduce your energy usage this summer:

Get Your A/C Serviced

During the summer, most businesses require working air conditioning. It’s essential for keeping your employees comfortable, especially on those blazing hot and humid days. Having regular air conditioner maintenance can help your system work its best while saving you energy costs. In addition, cleaning or replacing your filters can help your air conditioner run more efficiently.

Install Blinds

Even if you close up all the windows and crank the air conditioner, your business may still feel warmer than you want it to. If your office has lots of windows, consider installing blinds to keep the direct sun out during the day. Blinds can go a long way to keeping your business cooler and help to limit how much you need to use your air conditioner.

Plant Shade Trees

If you own or maintain the property surrounding your business, planting large, shady trees around your building can help to keep your business cool — as well as help to clean the air! Shade trees will protect your business from summer heat and sunlight, and can also help to protect your business from cold winds in the winter.

Turn Off Electronics

No matter what kind of business you have, you likely own a few electronics that help you and your employees get your work done. These electronics are an essential part of your business, but they don’t need to be on all the time. Computers, laptops, specialty equipment and even desk lights should all be turned off at the end of the work day, as well as on weekends. This won’t just help to reduce your energy bills, it will also help to keep your business cooler as electronics produce a lot of heat.

Go Hands-Free

Advancements in technology have made it easy for business owners to limit their energy use, and we recommend that you take advantage of these modern conveniences. Switch to a smart thermostat for your HVAC unit so you can program it around your business hours. Install dimmer switches and motion sensors throughout your business so your lights automatically turn off when the room has been empty for a certain period of time.

At Huber Building Maintenance, we offer a range of office cleaning services to fit your business’ needs, and can offer suggestions for making your business more energy efficient. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

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